General Info FAQ
General Information
- Prior to your appointment, you will be emailed forms that are best completed by the day before your scheduled appointment. This allows the therapist ample time to review your records. If you forget, they can be completed during your appointment time, but this will decrease the amount of time available to spend on treatment.
- Please bring your doctor’s order with you (if you have one) and a form of payment with you to your first visit.
- location
- When you arrive, please have a seat in the waiting room. Your therapist will come out to the waiting room to meet you and show you to a private treatment room.
- Evaluations and treatments are approximately 55 minutes long.
- It is best if you wear clothes that allow easy movement, like workout clothing, but if you forget, or are coming straight from work, we can still complete treatment without difficulty.
- If you need to reschedule, please give 24 hour notice. A $25 dollar surcharge will be required prior to rescheduling with less than 24 hour notice. Exceptions to this policy include illness and weather that prohibits safe travel.
Frequently Asked Questions
The pelvic floor is made of several muscles that support the internal organs and maintain continence. If these muscles have become dysfunctional in any way, the dysfunction can cause pain or incontinence. The causes of dysfunction can vary from trauma (including childbirth, falls, abuse, car accidents, surgery) to inherited dysfunction, and postural imbalances causing poor use of the pelvic floor. The best way to improve the function of these muscles is to determine exactly why the muscle is not working correctly, then address that cause and provide an optimal healing environment. For example, if the pelvic floor muscles were damaged in childbirth, scar tissue may need to be mobilized and diastasis recti ( a split in the abdominal muscles that commonly occurs in pregnancy) may need to be addressed prior to working on strengthening the pelvic floor.
Not every medical provider is aware that this is an option for treatment. This is a great time to share this information with your provider and to tell your friends! You may be able to help others who are suffering in silence with these conditions.
Prior to your first visit forms will be sent to your email address to gather pertinent medical history. This information will be reviewed at the first visit along with a physical exam to determine the cause of the issue. The physical exam will include an assessment of posture, scar tissue mobility and muscle function. An internal vaginal or intrarectal examination may be completed to accurately assess the pelvic floor muscles, as this is the only way to reach them. No speculum is ever used, and as the evaluation is only ever done to patient tolerance, it does not hurt. This exam is not necessary for every patient, so during each evaluation it is discussed with the patient what the best course of action will be.
Physical therapy is covered by most insurance providers. The Perfect Pelvis is a licensed physical therapy provider in Missouri. At this time, we do not file insurance for you. We do however provide you with a “superbill” which contains all the information needed so that you may be reimbursed for our services. Reimbursement varies depending on your insurance plan.
Children have the same muscles that adults do, but the treatment will often vary somewhat. Internal examinations are never done on children. Common treatments may include external biofeedback, habit retraining, and education as well as recommendations for diet and positioning. Exercises and relaxation of the pelvic floor is often included as well.
It is highly recommended. Many insurances require this for reimbursement. Legally, the state of Missouri allows you to come to physical therapy without a physician’s order for the first visit. If you have further questions about your particular situation, please call or email.